About Us

About Us

Together, we both prosper by accelerating your online business in Japan. We transform the entire e-commerce processes to identify the product-market fit. Even though Japan is the 3rd largest economy in the world, its business culture and structure have been and always are the biggest headache to start and grow businesses, especially remotely. With us, you understand the market better, communicate with the audience better, and receive orders more.

Our scope of services

  • Competitor analysis

Conduct research and analysis on the existing competitors on Amazon to identify the optimal positioning and cost-effective product page development plan

  • Product page development

Develop a product page with not just translation but customer-oriented copywriting to grab the attention of the audience.

  • SEO on Amazon

SEO improvements in text, title, and other necessary settings to be listed on the top page when the audience is looking for the products.

  • Running ads

Although ads are additional, carefully developed ad strategies can lead to positive ROAS and can accelerate further traffic increases and conversion improvements.

  • Optimization

Constantly improve the product page performance by including page views, purchase conversion, and advertising ROI.

  • Periodical report

Identify what we achieved, why we could/couldn’t achieve, and how we can improve

  • Additional proposals

Based on the data and performance over the course of the months, we can propose further growth strategies and plans.